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Thursday, June 3, 2010

The F-bomb!

I've always said my son's best attributes are also his worst nightmare. Exposive energy. Quick thinking. Power. He's here-then there-up-then down. The field is his playground. The birds-the trees the worms-the street-the cars-the nike swoosh on his cleats-the whole WORLD (and every thing in it) is his oyster.

Now translate that to the classroom.

Crash and burn baby! PANCAKE!

Algebra Honors-F.

Both are classes that recquire memorization.

Aaaah! I feel like a failure. Why can't we get this thing right? Studying with him is a drawn out fight to get his attention on the text. Focus. Focus. Focus.

The kid needs Ritalin. At least that's what they said in the 1st grade but I've stuck to my guns. No drugs. He is what he is and that's that.

Thank goodness for football or he'd probably be one of those kids who tries to drop out due to the sheer agony of school.

Initial instinct is to say he's lazy or dumb but he get's high IQ scores.

Perhaps most telling is that he struggles to memorize plays. The kid lives for football-there's no way he's being lazy about the plays.

His trainer says he's like a dog with a ball. He can't help but to chase whatever comes into his line of vision. I imagine him on the field hearing a play-then seeing a bird or a bee buzz by.


The play will be gone and he'll have to start over.

So here we are in finals week with summer five days away.

Let's hope we survive.

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